




Graduate Student Recruitment !

The Department of Microbiology is looking for motivated students!

If you are interested in our HP, why don't you come and visit us?

Please fill out the form on the Contact Us page.

Guidelines for applicants are here (in Japanese)


豊元 柊弥さん(博士4年)







Azizur Rahman さん(技術補佐員)







Foysal Hossenさん(博士4年)







鐘 恒さん(博士2年)







志望者へのアドバイス: 最初の目標に忠実であること、そして大勢に流されないこと。研究の道は常に計画通りに進むとは限りませんが、集中することとリラックスすることのバランスを保つことで、学業も私生活もより快適なものになるでしょう。

郭 春玉 さん(博士2年)







福嶋 理香 さん(博士2年)







上釜 綾夏 さん(修士2年)







Jahan Nusrat さん(修士1年)






この研究室の環境はとても快適です。 澤先生はとても親切で、どんな問題にも協力的です。研究室の人たちもとても前向きで、どんな人種にも友好的です。イスラム教徒の私にとって、このラボはとても居心地が良いです。私はこの研究室が最先端の研究に必要な基盤を提供できると確信しています

Voices from enrolled students

Mr. Toya Toyomoto (D4)

What is your research theme ?

Searching inhibitors of metallo-β-lactamase.

・How did you get into the lab?

My advisor at my previous university was from this lab, so he introduced me.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

My seat is surrounded by people from other countries, so I am able to speak English. Everyone is kind.

Mr. Azizur Rahman (Technical Assistant) 

What is your research theme ?

I am studying the bactericidal enhancement effect of active polysulfide on immune cells.

・How did you get into the lab?

I was doing an analytical job in Bangladesh, first in a pharmaceutical company and then in a food company, but I was looking for research opportunities. Through an acquaintance at the university, I heard that there was a laboratory where I could utilize my academic background (antimicrobial action), and I sent my CV to Prof Sawa. After meeting with him, I applied for a scholarship and was able to start my student life.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

Prof. Sawa was very kind and supported me with everything I needed to start my student life. His research guidance is also very thorough. There is a lot to learn, but it is very fulfilling. Unlike many other labs in Japan, everyone communicates in English, which is helpful. (Regarding coming from a Muslim country with a different culture) Recently, it has become easier to get HALAL food at supermarkets, etc., so I can get by. If you are a student who is interested, please come. The people around you will be able to help you.

Mr. Foysal Hossen (D4)

What is your research theme ?

I am studying the effects of supersulfides against SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus.

・How did you get into the lab?

I studied microbiology at the University of Dhaka until my master's degree. In order to become more specialized, I looked for a lab with high activity on the Internet, and found Prof. Sawa's lab. His work on active sulfur was different from traditional microbial research and appealed to me. I had acquaintances who were studying at Kumamoto University, so I got information from them as well.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

Life in Japan is comfortable. There are several shops where HALAL foods are available. Sawa-sensei and other members are friendly and support my research and life.

Mr. Heng Zhong (D2)

What is your research theme ?

I am studying the relationship between aberrant sulfur metabolism and cell Death. 

・How did you get into the lab?

After graduating from a university in China, I studied at Okayama University and started researching iPS cells. However, I began to feel that harmful bacteria and viruses were an imminent threat to humanity, and I wanted to go to a laboratory that was conducting research in that field, so I searched for one (through Chinese websites that summarize information on Japanese universities) and found Prof Sawa's laboratory. I also received information from a Chinese student who was studying at Kumamoto Univ. and took the entrance exam for graduate school.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

Thoughts about the laboratory: Overall, the laboratory is quite fascinating. You get to interact with a diverse group of people with various working methods, and everyone is quite enthusiastic. There is a spirit of mutual assistance, and it allows you to experience the joy of research.

Advice for newcomers: Stay true to your initial goals and don't follow the crowd. The path of research doesn't always go as planned, but maintaining a balance between being focused and relaxed will make your academic and personal life more comfortable.

Ms. Chunyu Guo (D2) 

What is your research theme ?

I am studying the effects of supersulfides on inflammatory liver diseases.

・How did you get into the lab?

I was introduced to the lab by my supervisor in my master's program at a Chinese university.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

Compared to Chinese universities, I can do my research activities relatively freely. The lab staffs are kind and give me good advice on my research, including scholarships and support in my daily life.

Ms. Rika Fukushima (D2) 

What is your research theme ?

I am studying the molecular epidemiology of CRE carbabenem-resistant enterobacteria.

・How did you get into the lab?

I was introduced to the lab by a senior clinical technologist at my hospital who was studying in our lab.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

I am a bit bewildered by the environment, which is completely different from that of a hospital, but I would like to improve my English and skills because it is an environment where I can learn.

Ms. Ayaka Uwagama (M2) 

What is your research theme ?

I am studying about drug-resistant bacteria.

・How did you get into the lab?

I was a student in the microbiology lab of the Department of Public Health, but I wanted to do something more research-oriented, so I was introduced to the lab by one of the professors.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

I started with zero experimental skills, but everyone in the lab supports me. It is an at-home environment where you can work on what you want to do.

Ms. Jahan Nusrat (M1) 

What is your research theme ?

I am studying the function of NOX enzyme expressed by Streptococcus pneumoniae.

・How did you get into the lab?

I was involved in clinical trial research activities in a renowned research organization in Bangladesh. But I required a proper academic foundation on microbiology for doing research. Through an acquaintance of the university, I got the information about this lab, and I sent my CV to Prof. Tomohiro Sawa. After meeting with him, I took the entrance exam for graduate school and thus start my student life here.

・What do you think about the lab and/or what is your message to prospective students?

The working environment of this lab is very pleasant.  Prof. Sawa is very kind and supportive in every single issue. The lab people are also very positive and friendly with all races people. As a Muslim girl, I feel very comfortable here. I am confident that this lab is capable to provide the necessary foundation of advance research.